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"It’s where I learned to swim."
"The Lido was great because it had the
big slides.
It was really great to have that then."

"They had a little snack bar there and you could get cups of tea and
Wagon Wheels."

"I was a
bathing beauty queen
there about four or five times.
I’ve got photographs to prove it!"
salty seaside!"

"You’d have all the deck chairs out there with people sunning themselves; you’d have the gift shops; the theatre."
"My father was a manager at the
Golden Garter Saloon
at the Lido.
They used to have horses in the show."
"You would visit the
Golden Garter,
and they would entertain people with Country and Western.."

"[In the 2000s] the Lido was the alternative place to be."
"There are about
seven tunnels,
going into the harbour."

"The changing rooms,
it was a bit like going into the
bowels of the earth."

"The little funicular railway that went down from the Lido down to the promenade; it was always so busy."
"Hades night spot was there, you’d have a lot of bars - the Jamaica Bar would be there."
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